Friday, July 10, 2015

FORM - XXIII Department of Commercial Taxes, Government of Uttar Pradesh

(See rule 42 of the UPGST Rules, 2008)
Audit report by specified authority
Certified that I/we have verified the correctness and completeness of the returns for the period mentioned below.
sr. no.ParticularDescriptions
i-Name and style of the dealer 
ii-Address of the principal place of the business 
iii-Tax payers identification Number(TIN) 
iv-Certificate of Entitlement no. if any 
vi-Central Excise Registration Certificate no. 
viiRegistration  Certificate in any other Act if any 
viii-Period of the return verifiedfrom……………………………………..
ix-Return verified(tick)(i)   under UPGST Act, 2008
 (ii)  under the Central Sales Tax Act, 1956
Certified that subject to my/ our obserGSTions and comments about non compliances, shortcomings, deficiencies in the returns filed by the dealer as given in the part II of the detailed report attached.
1-       In my/our opinion the books of accounts and other related records and registers maintained by the dealer are sufficient for verification of correctness and completeness of the returns.
2-       The gross turnover of the sales and purchase declared in the returns include all the transactions of sales and purchase concluded during the period under the verification.
3-       The adjustment to the turnover of sales /purchases is based on the entries made in the books of accounts during the period of verification.
4-       The deductions from the gross turnover of sales or purchases, as the case may be, including the deduction on account of goods returned, claimed in the returns are in conformity with the provisions of the relevant Act.
5-       Considering the classification of goods sold and rate of tax applicable, computation of tax payable as shown in the returns is correct.
6-       Computation of Input Tax Credit admissible in respect of purchases made during the period of verification and adjustment to ITC claimed in the previous year is correct.
7-       List of purchases from registered dealer as submitted along with return in prescribed form is found correct and complete for the relevant period of verification.
8-       Other information required to be furnished in the return is correct and complete.
9-       For the purpose of the verification of the return of the period under verification I/We have relied on
(a)          Books of accounts & documents maintained for the period ending on…………… namely
(b)          Profit and loss account and balance sheet for the year ending on…………………………………...
(c)            Documents in support of concession and deduction claimed are
(d) …………………………………………………………………………….
(e) ……………………………………………………………………………
10-     Following are the major changes made during the period of verification
(i)     Changes in the constitution of the business
(ii)    Changes in the method of valuation of the stock
(iii) Changes in the accounting system
(iv)   Any other changes affecting the business prospects
11-     Comments and obserGSTions on non compliances, shortcomings, and deficiencies in the filing of returns and accounts maintained are recorded in the part II of the audit report.
12-     Summary of the result of the verification of the return    for the   period under verification regarding additional tax liability and additional amount of refund under different tax laws is as follow,
Sr. No.Particularas per return as per a/c sdifference
1-Tax payable under UPGST Act, 2008   
2-ITC adjusted in UPGST Act, 2008   
3-Net tax payable under UPGST Act, 2008   
4-Tax payable under the CST Act, 1956   
5-ITC adjusted in CST Act, 1956   
6-Net tax payable under CST Act, 1956   
7-Total ITC adjusted in UPGST and CST   
8-ITC adjusted against dues under UPTT or UPGST   
9-RITC disclosed under UPGST Act, 2008   
10-RITC deposited   
11-Refund claimed   
12-Additional demand   
13-ITC carried forwarded for next year   
13-     The dealer has been advised
(a)        To pay the differential amount of the tax liability for the Rs……………
(b)        To claim the additional refund for Rs………………………….....................
(c)        To revise the returns for the period ending on  ……………… and so on
Place…………….                                  Signature-----------------------------------
Date……………..                                      Name of specified authority-----------------
Membership No…………………………...
Enclose. - 1- Statutory audit report along with profit & Loss account and balance sheet.
2- Part II of the report in form XXIII.
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